Facilitating the Adaptation and Flexibility to the Essential Changes

Facilitating the Adaptation and Flexibility to the Essential Changes

Facilitating the Adaptation and Flexibility to the Essential Changes    Introduction:  This course is introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resources and Development (IAHRD). Our courses are especially designed to meet your needs, explained to you by experts with a long experience in the field. Running a business in such a rapidly changing environment is not an easy job. However, the ..

Facilitating the Adaptation and Flexibility to the Essential Changes 



This course is introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resources and Development (IAHRD). Our courses are especially designed to meet your needs, explained to you by experts with a long experience in the field.

Running a business in such a rapidly changing environment is not an easy job. However, the effect of these changes don’t necessarily have to put restrictions between you and the appropriate way of managingyour business.


At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand that the business is distinguished, has many perspectives, and depend on external factors.
  2. Be updated with the new changes in the business and its management.
  3. Take advantage of the change and redirect it.
  4. Observation of businesses adapting ways of responding to the change.
  5. Understand why members of staff may resist the change.
  6. Work upon restructuring yourown business to staysuccessful in the face of anticipatedchanges.


Module 1:

  1. The change and its advantages.
  1. Selling in the benefits.
  2. New guidelines Development.
  3. Are the benefits of the change readily observable?

Module 2:

  1. The change and its effect on the relationships.
  1. Adjusting the employees to the new management style.
  2. Will the change lead toachange in thestaff?
  3. Will there be teambuilding coaching available?

Module 3:

  1. Who are the major groups of employees that will be affected by the change? 
  1. Setting up coaching and counseling sessions as soon as the change is announced.
  2. Providing training in new processes and procedures.
  3. Giving people time to learn new skills

Module 4:

  1. Identifying the key points of resistance to the change 
  2. Setting up focus groups.
  3. Demonstrating why the change was necessary.
  4. Measuring progress.

Module 5:

  1. Globalizedstrategy and culture.
  2. Cultural differences and work behavior.
  3. Organization culture and national culture.



Module 6:

  1. Communicating Across Cultures
  2. Cross-cultural misperception.
  3. Cross-cultural misinterpretation.
  4. Cross-cultural misevaluation.


Module 7:

  1. Creating Cultural Synergy and Multicultural Teams.
  1. Recognizing culture and Strategies.
  2. Multicultural work force management.
  3. The impact of diversity on the team.

Module 8:

  1. Global Leadership and International Management Development. 
  1. Theories of leadership.
  2. Cultural contingency.
  3. Expatriate reputation and careerplanning.


Who should attend? 

This course is designed for owners, managers, supervisors and team leaders.




times [ Istanbul ]

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2024-05-12 2024-5-16 3,250 Istanbul join enquire
2024-07-14 2024-7-18 3,250 Istanbul join enquire
2024-09-08 2024-9-12 3,250 Istanbul join enquire
2024-11-10 2024-11-14 3,250 Istanbul join enquire
2025-03-17 2025-3-21 3,750 Istanbul join enquire