The Essential need for Building High Performance Boards

The Essential need for Building High Performance Boards

The Essential need for Building High Performance Boards Introduction : This course is introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resources Development (IAHRD). Our courses are specially designed to meet your needs, explained to you by experts with a long experience in the field. Making a positive difference as a board member and learning what are the high performance boards are ..

The Essential need for Building High Performance Boards

Introduction :

This course is introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resources Development (IAHRD). Our courses are specially designed to meet your needs, explained to you by experts with a long experience in the field.

Making a positive difference as a board member and learning what are the high performance boards are doing is crucial to achieve the company's success. This course will help you in understanding board life-cycle. The course will consider appropriate models, tools, practices and actual case studies which provide examples, provoke discussion and create awareness of broader issues.

Objectives :

After attending this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand key aspects and models a effecting a Board’s formation,

evaluation and succession.

  1. Analyze good and poor performing Directors and Boards.
  2. Assess the Chief Executive Officer and plan for succession
  3. Ensuring that directors are bringing new experiences to the corporation.
  4. Ensuring integrity as the hallmark of the corporation.


Module 1:

  1. Introduction in Corporate Governance.
  2. Common concepts in Corporate Governance.
  3. The importance of high performance boards.

Module 2:

  1. Democracy and shareholders.
  2. Regulators and regional models.
  3. Regulators and international models.

Module 3:

  1. Updated reports, guidance notes and consultation papers.
  2. Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer.
  3. The essential requirements of the board.

Module 4:

  1. Choosing the right directors.
  2. Dilemmas and issues of the new Director.
  3. Important Rules and regulations.

Module 5:

  1. Regulatory change and the legal environment.
  2. Solving ownership issues.
  3. Committees and subsidiary Boards
  4. Working with management.

Module 6:

  1. Making integrity the hallmark f the corporation.
  2. Post investment process
  3. Common evaluation models and processes.

Module 7:

  1. Evaluation results
  2. Board succession
  3. Setting the parameters
  4. Preparing the next generation of Directors

Who Should Attend?

  3. Company owners.
  4. Organization's shareholders.
  5. CEOs and senior management.
  6. Governance professionals.
  7. Interested candidates.



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