Professional Recruitment and Job Placement
Professional Recruitment and Job Placement
This course is introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resource Development (IAHRD).This course will discuss the recruitment and job placement methods how can it be conducted with high quality. As we all know the recruiting and job placing processes are one of the most important processes in the organization due to its direct relationship with human resource. If you had the perfect staff with each in his right position , you will definitely reap success. That's why doing such processes with proficiency is extremely important. You are forming the brains of the organization. This course will tackle many topics such as forecasting demand and supply of HR in you organization, how to make recruitment an ongoing process? , how to attract the right people? , how to overcome the complexities of recruitment? As well as many other fundamental topics in the world of organizations.
By the end of the training program, each participant will be able to:
- Spot and overcome the obstacles of recruitment and job placement process in today’s rapid changing environment.
- Conduct the stages of recruitment and job placement.
- Realize the importance of each stage of the recruitment and job placement.
- Fully understand different jobs tasks and descriptions in order to set criteria and specifications for each candidate.
- Save time by establishing a plan for a more efficient short listing.
- Grasp and apply new skills as a job placement specialist.
- Have recruiting sources in urgent situations.
- Make the recruitment process an on-going process.
Module 1:
- Anticipating the demand and supply of HR in your organization.
- Establishing a basic hiring strategy.
- Classifying your personnel.
- Strategic staffing strategy.
- Thinking and analyzing the hiring process.
- Having the right people in the right place.
- Connecting individual goals with the organizational goals.
Module 2:
- From where to start?
- How to make recruitment an on-going process?
- The recruitment horizon.
- Building competency models.
- The ABC's of job descriptions and specifications including identification of competency requirements.
Module 3:
- Methods to attract the right applicants.
- The effect of writing the right job advertisement.
- Using recruiters.
- Recruiting fresh graduates.
- Other valuable recruiting sources.
- Does online recruiting work?
- Screening different job applications.
- Controlling the flow by setting up a system for screening.
- The importance of reading between the lines among resumes.
- What really works and what's legal.
Module 4:
- Matching candidate to the job requirements.
- Candidates evaluation.
- A systematic selection methods.
- Sweeping away irrelevant factors.
- Checking references.
- Making a fair strategic offer.
- Temporary Staffing vs. permanent staffing.
- The job's organizational fit.
Who should attend?
- HR officers.
- Supervisors who are directly involved in the recruiting and selecting process.
- Interested candidates in HR.