BOOSTING the Level of Productivity and Retention

BOOSTING the Level of Productivity and Retention

Boosting the Level of  Productivity and Retention Introduction : This course is introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resources Development (IAHRD). Our courses are specially designed to meet your needs, explained to you by experts with a long experience in the field.  Productivity and retention are two important topics to dig deep in. you might want sometimes to cut ..

Boosting the Level of  Productivity and Retention

Introduction :

This course is introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resources Development (IAHRD). Our courses are specially designed to meet your needs, explained to you by experts with a long experience in the field.

 Productivity and retention are two important topics to dig deep in. you might want sometimes to cut the cost of training and development or any other costs, but we believe you should think again before making such decisions. This course will help you understand how to keep your employees engagement in your organization and will make you able boost the level of productivity and retention increasingly. The course uses a mix of interactive techniques such as case analysis and discussions, group activities, sharing experiences as well as short films about organizations that have managed to boost their employee engagement rates.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Defend the value of employee engagement to an organization and explain it
  2. Derive learning lessons from the ABC (Antecedents, Behaviors, Consequences) model for engagement
  3. Design, build and implement the requirements for an engagement culture
  4. Evaluate and track the impact of engagement on business performance
  5. Craft specific HR practices aimed at increasing employee engagement
  6. Identify, develop and champion the required change initiatives
  7. Build comprehensive employee engagement surveys and interpret their results

Content :

Module 1:

  1. Deep explanation of employee engagement.
  2. What is the value of employee engagement?
  3. Secrets of employee engagement.

Module 2:

  1. What are the requirements of an engagement culture?
  2. The ABC (Antecedents, Behaviors, Consequences) model.
  3. Evaluations and continuous tracking of business performance.

Module 3:

  1. Modern HR practices to increase employee engagement.
  2. Preparing employee engagement surveys.
  3. Interpreting the results.

Module 4:

  1. Defining low-wage employees in the organization.
  2. Low income criteria.
  3. Sustained employment, financial security, health and general well-being.

Module 5:

  1. Keeping the workplace effective.
  2. Employers and employees effective workplace.
  3. Dramatic workforce changes.

Module 5:

  1. Aspects of workplace effectiveness.
  2. Fringe benefits and workplace effectiveness.
  3. Putting employees first.


Who should attend?

  1. Anyone involved in HRM at all levels
  2. HR or Personnel Department.
  3. Professionals and supervisors.
  4. HRM personnel.
  5. Occupational Health & Safety and training staff .
  6. Those who received their training in past years and need to be brought up to date with best practices.
  7. Interested candidates of graduates and undergraduates.


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