Managing And Dealing With Bad Debts

Managing And Dealing With Bad Debts

Managing And Dealing With Bad Debts Introduction : This course is happily introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resource Development (IAHRD). We are glad to inform you that our courses are written by experts who have a long experience in the related field. This program will provide with clear understanding of the logistics concept, components and activities required to interpret ..

Managing And Dealing With Bad Debts

Introduction :

This course is happily introduced to you by the International Academy of Human Resource Development (IAHRD). We are glad to inform you that our courses are written by experts who have a long experience in the related field.

This program will provide with clear understanding of the logistics concept, components and activities required to interpret the situation in order to make decisions that you won't regret later. It will make you have the key behaviors to manage and control debts , as well as different means of debt recovery. It will also give you effective payment methodologies with least risks. Our courses will be your first step for proficiency.



In this course participants will :

  1. Be aware of the importance of debts management.
  2. Gain  effective behaviors in debt collection and negotiations.
  3. Develop effective credit control policies.
  4.  Minimize the consequences of bad debts and to prevent them.
  5. Reinforce   effective debt management procedures.
  6. Be able to deal with slow paying  and difficult customers / clients.
  7. Figure out alternatives for bad debts recovery.
  8. Find solutions for bad debts' crisis calmly  with effective financial tools such as letter of credit.


Module 1:

  1. Enhancing cash flow and reducing risks.
  2. Defining a customer.
  3. Customer risks
  4. Other  risks ( political, currency related, legal, economic, government regulations)

Module 2:

  1. Efficient methods of payment.
  2. Payment terms and their types.
  3. Cash flow management
  4. Using  Bank References, Trade References, And Credit Agency Reports to vet potential customers.

Module 3:

  1. Telephone Skills
  2. Overcoming Excuses
  3. Effective Reminder Letters
  4. Importance of keeping good records
  5. Usage of the aged debt analysis

Module 4:

  1. Increasing customer loyalty through customers strategy development.
  2. Taking legal action.
  3. Tax relief.
  4. Limitations of the method.
  5. Laying a stable groundwork to make telephone collections effective.
  6. Dealing with debtors with hard mentalities.
  7. Overcoming objections and excuses efficiently.
  8. Special techniques.


Who should attend? 

  1. CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, Finance Managers.
  2.  Accountants, CTOs,
  3.  Loan Managers &Officers.
  4.  Business Development Officers.
  5.  Marketing & Sales Professionals.
  6. Development Professionals,
  7. Credit Managers & Analysts
  8.  CreditCommittee Members.
  9. Interested participants who would like to increase their knowledge.

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